Do you need to find emergency dental services in the Chilliwack area? If you have a dental emergency, Chilliwack Family Dentistry has an emergency dentist service available.
A dental emergency can be quite painful and sometimes frightening. Treatment is almost always required to alleviate pain and to make sure that your teeth have the best possible chance of survival.
Teeth can become fractured by trauma (such as a fall or a ‘hit’ to the teeth) or by grinding or biting on a hard object. Another dental emergency might be a filling, crown and other prosthetic restoration that is damaged or that falls out of your mouth. If you feel immediate and severe pain, you need to see your dentist as soon as possible. If you don’t go for immediate treatment, the problem could become worse and the pain more severe.
1. Your Tooth is Knocked Out (also known as an avulsed tooth):
If your tooth has been knocked out of your mouth, it is important to see an emergency dentist immediately because tissues, nerves and blood vessels may also be damaged. If the tooth can be placed back into its socket within the following hour there is a possibility that tissue will grow to support the tooth. Time is of the essence in this situation.
Take these steps:
2. Lost Filling or Crown
Dental crowns or fillings may come loose while eating. Once the crown or filling is out of the mouth, the tooth will become sensitive to temperature change and to pressure (for example, of eating). If a crown becomes loose it is often because the tooth underneath is decaying. The decay will cause the tooth to change shape and the crown will not fit properly (since it will not change its shape).
If a crown has dropped out of the mouth (or if you’ve swallowed it), make a dental appointment with our office as soon as possible. If you have the crown, keep it in a cool, safe place since there is a possibility that we can re-insert it. If the crown is out of the mouth for a long period of time, the teeth may shift or sustain further damage.
If you cannot get to our office immediately, take the following steps:
Once you get to our office, we will check the crown to see if it will still fit. If it does, we will re-attach it to the tooth. If there is decay under the crown, we will treat it and make a new crown.
3. Cracked or Broken Teeth
Teeth are strong but they will still break, crack or fracture under certain circumstances (trauma, grinding and/or biting on a hard object). Some cracks are painless but if the crack extends to the tooth’s root, it can be extremely painful.
If you have a break, crack or fracture you need to come in to our dental clinic as soon as possible.
Depending on the nature of the break or fracture, we may need to consider root canal therapy to save the tooth. If there is a complete break, we will usually fix the fragment (if you’ve saved it in good condition – keeping it damp) back onto the tooth as a temporary measure.
4. Dislodged and/or Loose Teeth
Call our office as soon as possible – we have an emergency dentist available if necessary. While trying to make contact, use a cold compress and over-the-counter medications to relieve pain. We will always try to save the tooth; this may require re-positioning the tooth and adding splints to stabilize the tooth. Root canal therapy may be necessary if the tooth does not heal and we can consider cosmetic dentistry options if the tooth does not re-attach (if lost).
* We are open every other Sunday *
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